Here in Australia it's just after midnight and I'm up waiting for a friend of mine to come online as this is the only time we can chat. She lives in the UK. So as I wait for her, I thought I give you an other entry,
and I chose to show Phillip Scofield's one I made him (Schofe) This is another one I can tell you about the feedback. I did tweet this to Phillip but the thing is Phillip has 613, 151 followers! So I totally understand why he hasn't tweeted something back. Most likely the tweet got lost among everyone else's tweets.
Once again, this background colour is one I just wanted to use, no real meaning behind it. Just thought it was good. I put a mixture of photos from Dancing on Ice and This Morning, the two TV shows in which Phillip is host for, that is the reason why there is an on air sign as well.
Phillip likes using twitter, so I put the phone on it as it's a way to tweet. Plus I think it was pretty cool way to display a photo. The ice diamonds make an appearance but unfortunate twitter bird could not because he is too dark. You wouldn't see him at all against that dark blue of the background.
Last thing I added was the address to Phillip's Official website.
Great site! Love the videos especially the backstage ones from Dancing on ice. So go and check it out!!
Ok, still waiting for my friend... I'm getting worried. I might send her a tweet...
P.S Remember you can leave a comment at the end of the blog entry you are reading. I would love to hear from you!
gotta love the @Schofe he is legend. Used to watch him in The Broom Cupbaord with Gordon The Gofer when i was little