Thursday, 3 March 2011

Chloe Madely

I know I said I would explain about the lipsticks but for some reason I'm going to jump ahead and show you Chloe Madely's background. ( )

The is one time when I didn't use the promo costume colours as a basis of the main colour scheme. I think that the snow theme seemed right to use for this.  With this background I tried to balance out the photos so there is the two photos (promo pic and training pic)  then there is : chatting to Phil & the picture of Chloe with Sam and Denise backstage along the other angle.  It is the same concept with the training pictures around the central photo Chloe and her pro partner Michael ()

Chloe's reply- She loved it
I'm always thankful when the person I make this backgrounds for tweets me back with feedback, like Chloe did with hers.  So thank you very much Chloe! xx Making these twitter background art is my way of supporting the contestants on the show as I can not vote.  


1 comment:

  1. love these, and great to see that the people you make them for, love them also. and each one is just so good, for each person, love them xx
