Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Team Twitters! (List as from March 30th 2011)

Here is a list of team (tweam) twitters for the Dancing on Ice pros, Karen and  Torvill & Dean.

Torvill and Dean

Dancing on Ice  
DOI Pros
Alexandra Schauman and Lukasz Rozycki
Isabelle Gauthier 
Katie Stainsby
Melanie Lambert & Fred Palascak
Molly Moenkhoff
Nina Ulanova
Colin Ratushniak
Matthew Gonzalez
Daniel Wihiston
Maria Filippov
Sean Rice and Jodeyne Higgins
  • teamseandeyne
  • TeamJodeyne
 Kristina Lenko
Micheal Zenezni
  • TeamZenezini


  1. LOL, the quarter fiiiiinally fell : so yóu are the Kim who runs TnDWorldFans.
    I've seen your photo on Twitter, loved the tweets going with but never made the connection between you and TnDWF. (don't worry, ha,ha, I'm nót that dumb all of the time ;) )
    Thanks for the lists listed above.

  2. Yes this is me! I do run @TnDWorldFans. I started this blog because everyone was wanting to know how i did my backgrounds. I add this entry as It one of the teams suggested there should be a way we all link up together. I thought this was a good place.

  3. wow so many twitter pages im not on, will have to have a good read of the list & try follow a few, thanks for them xx
