Monday, 7 March 2011

Karen Baber - Extra little surprise

Hi everyone,

I have a huge gap today at  uni before I have to go somewhere this afternoon, so I decided to give an extra entry for this blog. The two I'm going to show you are Karen Barber themed.

The first  I made last year for fun, to share with two friends of mine, both DOI fans.  It is based around Karen and her skating partner Nicky Slater, who also was a judge for DOI.

Really can't remember why I chose the split black and white background....  Maybe it was because my starting picture was the one in bottom left corner,  Karen and Nicky's famous routine Charlie Chaplin.  The pair did this routine as part of the 1984 skating season,  they actually had to perform it straight after Jayne and Chris performed Bolero!! But the routine itself was new to the skating world as the routine was the first at that level to have comedy.

Silver medels I put as the pair were the second to Jayne and Chris when it came to English Ice Dance.  All ways right behind them... The other pictures include ones from Dancing on Ice, I like the one of Holly covering Nicky's and Jason Garder's mouths when they were having an arguement in Week 2 of Series 5.

The saying -  Dancers are the messagers of Gods. I beleive applies to all forms of dance including off the ice. Dance is an amazing artform.  Dancers try to protray a certian images to the audience,  this quote is powerful in that way. 

Here is the second one,  this one I made this year and I did tweet it to Karen's daughters, Emma and Laura to pass it on to their mum as Karen doesn't have twitter.  I never really got a reply back about what Karen thought, but I do trust the girls that they pass on the message to her like they said.  So this one I can't really tell you what the feedback was. It's happened a few times now.

I put pictures of Karen with Nicky during the skating time together including one of them with Jayne and Chris.  Karen is sort of the third unspoken person within the friendship of Jayne and Chris,  the three have been best friends for years, that is also shown in the picture of Jayne and Karen in the love heart.   These days Karen is making her mark when it comes to Dancing on Ice,  her role this year as head coach (DOI fans know what kind of stuff that has bought up) and also with her surprising relationship with Christopher Dean. (I'm not going to say anymore on that topic exepct, I hope the pair are happy)

It's funny,  when I see pictures of Karen with Chloe.  I think they could almost be related.  The ice diamods appear again.

Must get back to work! Breaks over. :)

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