Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Olympic Legends...

Hi Everyone!
I haven't had my laptop for a few days,  got back for a little while waiting for a part.  
I've quickly made a new background for @TnDWorldFans the team twitter I run. The theme for this one is Olympic Legends.

Jayne, Chris and Robin Cousins were all chosen as part of the Great Britain Olympic Legend Ambassador team for the 2012 London Olympics.  The three pictures on the right are the official pictures of the shoot.  While the other two come from Jayne and Chris() and Robin (). I added some iconic items from England and of course the Olympic Rings. 

Hope you like it!
See if you can find Jayne in this one... I think she is hiding

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Team Twitters! (List as from March 30th 2011)

Here is a list of team (tweam) twitters for the Dancing on Ice pros, Karen and  Torvill & Dean.

Torvill and Dean

Dancing on Ice  
DOI Pros
Alexandra Schauman and Lukasz Rozycki
Isabelle Gauthier 
Katie Stainsby
Melanie Lambert & Fred Palascak
Molly Moenkhoff
Nina Ulanova
Colin Ratushniak
Matthew Gonzalez
Daniel Wihiston
Maria Filippov
Sean Rice and Jodeyne Higgins
  • teamseandeyne
  • TeamJodeyne
 Kristina Lenko
Micheal Zenezni
  • TeamZenezini

Look at the stars....


Very quick one! This week Jayne and Chris skated to Coldplay's Yellow.  This routine had a bit of a twist as Jayne and Chris performed with a sand artist. Who would of guessed?! Jayne and Chris had us guessing with the clues during the week...
The clues that had everyone guessing all week!
Personally I think the Sandman clue threw everyone off.  But looking back now it makes sense. 
"Look at the stars, look how they shine for you and everything you do, And they were all yellow..." It's the first line of the song. 

This routine gave itself to a creative side of me.  Sand, stars,  yellow.  They all gave ideas where to start. Stars are on the background,  the picture behind is behind was my original background idea but when I started I didn't like it.  I love the pictures.  I could look at them all day... 

This only the first one for this routine.  A second will come soon but I have a crazy week at uni so maybe not as soon as you might think. 

Look at the stars and how they shine for YOU....Goodnight! 
 Love, Kim

Friday, 18 March 2011

Why do fools fall in love?

New one from me.  Quick entry.  This Sunday just gone,  Jayne and Chris performed with the Overtones.  Pink and Black theme came from Jayne's costume - which by the way she look AMAZING in! Personally I think I need her trainer.  

The record and mic relate to the era of music that the song "Why do fools fall in love?"  which was the song that Jayne, Chris and the Overtones ( ) performed.  The text of Jayne and Chris' names are in different fonts to show the difference between them - Jayne's is more curved kinda font while Chris' font has more angled.  

The pictures for this one were hard to chose from. The movements that Jayne and Chris created some great shapes (the jive, rock n roll feel) and my favourite, which is the main picture in the middle shows how beautiful Jayne's lines are! I'm so working on getting my lines like that for dancing this year. Maybe Jayne could teach me a thing or two? It's actually my desktop picture at the moment  that picture! Here is the proof...
My desktop at the moment @
The photo in the top corner comes from the DOI nail artist Kimberley Casey ().  I turned it black and white as I thought it looked better with the pink and black theme I had going. Here is the original.  

Aww! Look at them!! They are so perfect.  This picture is SO them. Words can't describe it.  I love this picture of them. Is it me or is Jayne Torvill, a designer's dream. The dresses she has wore this series are so beautiful and she worn quite a few colours from pink to green,  from white to bronze! Is there any colour this woman can't wear??  

Lastly I love the picture of Chris being the 6th Overtone. Torvill and Dean fans will know what Chris' singing voice is like. "Here I stand" anyone?  Not really going to comment on that anymore except I have smile on my face after I listen to it. They (Jayne and Chris) actually made it here in Australia. Do think if I look hard enough I might find the original record. It's funny it's on itunes these days.

*Yaws* Bed time, Goodnight, 
P. S You can click on the names in brackets/other colours as they are links to the twitters mentioned in the entry. 
P.P.S What is everyone thinking of this blog?

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Waiting, so that means an extra blog for you! Phillip Schofield

Hi everyone, 
Here in Australia it's just after midnight and I'm up waiting for a friend of mine to come online as this is the only time we can chat.  She lives in the UK. So as I wait for her,  I thought I give you an other entry,  
and I chose to show Phillip Scofield's one I made him () This is another one I can tell you about the feedback.  I did tweet this to Phillip but the thing is Phillip has 613, 151 followers! So I totally understand why he hasn't tweeted something back. Most likely the tweet got lost among everyone else's tweets.

Once again,  this background colour is one I just wanted to use, no real meaning behind it. Just thought it was good. I put a mixture of photos from Dancing on Ice and This Morning, the two TV shows in which Phillip is host for,  that is the reason why there is an on air sign as well.  

Phillip likes using twitter, so I put the phone on it as it's a way to tweet.  Plus I think it was pretty cool way to display a photo. The ice diamonds make an appearance but unfortunate twitter bird could not because he is too dark. You wouldn't see him at all against that dark blue of the background. 

Last thing I added was the address to Phillip's Official website.
Great site! Love the videos especially the backstage ones from Dancing on ice.  So go and check it out!!

Ok, still waiting for my friend...  I'm getting worried. I might send her a tweet...

P.S Remember you can leave a comment at the end of the blog entry you are reading.  I would love to hear from you!

P.P.S  Phillip before DOI and This Morning, was known for being Joseph and the Technicolor Dream coat. A fav of mine, I'm a bit of musical theatre nut. Also he used to be on this children's program with a character called Gordon the Gopher during the 80's. Reminds me of my childhood watching Sooty.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Holly Willoughby plus a beautiful country hit 日本

I say hello in Japanese today as I watch these images of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami.  Japan is such a beautiful country. I learnt Japanese in high school and even hosted a few students from there. I just pray for the country during this time. 

So now to today's background... It's the stunning Holly Willoughby! ().  As soon as I saw this background I had to do one for Holly! Its very similar to the background used on her website   I used alot girly type of decorations (makeup, necklace).

The time I made this, This morning ()  won its NTA, which I believe was very much deserved. I also love the pictures from Dancing on Ice. Holly always looks amazing! The yellow dress she wore last year is a favourite of mine, another is the green dress she wore 2nd week of the 5th series. (last year's)

Sadly this is another one I can't tell the person's feedback.  I tweeted it to Holly and never got something back.  But Holly is a very busy lady with a baby on the way, so I'm fine about it all! :) I wish Holly all the best, especially for a safe delivery of her little one.  

Must go, さようなら。

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Just to make you smile: Belinda Emmett - So I Am

I know this isn't hasn't got anything to do with my backgrounds at all. But I had to share it! This my favourite song ever and it makes me smile and want to sing at the top of my voice! Hope it makes u smile.


Monday, 7 March 2011

Karen Baber - Extra little surprise

Hi everyone,

I have a huge gap today at  uni before I have to go somewhere this afternoon, so I decided to give an extra entry for this blog. The two I'm going to show you are Karen Barber themed.

The first  I made last year for fun, to share with two friends of mine, both DOI fans.  It is based around Karen and her skating partner Nicky Slater, who also was a judge for DOI.

Really can't remember why I chose the split black and white background....  Maybe it was because my starting picture was the one in bottom left corner,  Karen and Nicky's famous routine Charlie Chaplin.  The pair did this routine as part of the 1984 skating season,  they actually had to perform it straight after Jayne and Chris performed Bolero!! But the routine itself was new to the skating world as the routine was the first at that level to have comedy.

Silver medels I put as the pair were the second to Jayne and Chris when it came to English Ice Dance.  All ways right behind them... The other pictures include ones from Dancing on Ice, I like the one of Holly covering Nicky's and Jason Garder's mouths when they were having an arguement in Week 2 of Series 5.

The saying -  Dancers are the messagers of Gods. I beleive applies to all forms of dance including off the ice. Dance is an amazing artform.  Dancers try to protray a certian images to the audience,  this quote is powerful in that way. 

Here is the second one,  this one I made this year and I did tweet it to Karen's daughters, Emma and Laura to pass it on to their mum as Karen doesn't have twitter.  I never really got a reply back about what Karen thought, but I do trust the girls that they pass on the message to her like they said.  So this one I can't really tell you what the feedback was. It's happened a few times now.

I put pictures of Karen with Nicky during the skating time together including one of them with Jayne and Chris.  Karen is sort of the third unspoken person within the friendship of Jayne and Chris,  the three have been best friends for years, that is also shown in the picture of Jayne and Karen in the love heart.   These days Karen is making her mark when it comes to Dancing on Ice,  her role this year as head coach (DOI fans know what kind of stuff that has bought up) and also with her surprising relationship with Christopher Dean. (I'm not going to say anymore on that topic exepct, I hope the pair are happy)

It's funny,  when I see pictures of Karen with Chloe.  I think they could almost be related.  The ice diamods appear again.

Must get back to work! Breaks over. :)

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Guide: How to put your background on to twitter.

Hey everyone,  
Here is a guide to putting these backgrounds that I make on your twitters.  
First you will see is the bar at the top of the screen,  click on the place where it will have your twitter name and picture, which is on the right hand side of this bar.  A drop menu will come down...
Bar at the top of page.

Drop menu
This is the drop menu, what you need to do next is click on settings...

Top of settings page
This bar comes the setting page.  To put your background on, you need to go to the design settings.  
Click on Design. 

This is the design settings page.  Click on Change background image. 

A new section will come up under the change background image bar.  Click on chose file,  find where on your laptop/computer you have save the background and chose the file.  Click tile background box.  Lastly click on save changes.   

There you go! You now should have a new background. Hope this helps you all. 

P.S At the moment, I'm going to be have a little break from these backgrounds, I will post on here on Saturdays (Australian time) so you will still be able to find out about these backgrounds.  I just will not be taking requests for the next couple of weeks. Love ya all my supports. 

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean, my performing heroes.

Something I made for Jayne and Chris,  I got a reply!

Hi everyone,  
Here is my latest entry for this blog.  This is something I made of Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean's first few weeks of the show.  There is pictures from the NTA's,  pictures from the opening routine first show,  a web chat they did with mums-net, their routine - Your song, with Ellie Golding and two pictures from their twitter.  Once again the use of the film strip was because I wanted to use so many pictures! and purple is them all over! It was the first one I think I used the heart crop tool.  

Jayne and Chris replied to me posting the link to them, I was very happy.  The only thing that got me was when they said thanks for posting on twitter.  It's only way they would see it! But I'm glad saw it and replied.  Means a lot to me.  

Here is the picture from the mums-net web chat that Jayne and Chris did at the end of last year.  I love this picture of them both.  It's funny before this picture I thought they weren't together in the same room, which makes it more funnier,  You would of had to read it to get what I mean.  Also I added something Jayne said to me during it.  The interesting thing about it was I didn't ask a question directly. But I was so excited that she did say something to me as this was my first ever direct thing they have ever said to me.  It was hard not to scream with excitement as it was 1:30 in the morning! That's the thing about living in Australia and them being there.  

Jayne and Chris are inspiration to me as a dancer and performer. I wish one day I could learn a routine off Chris, one of the greatest choreographers in the world. Chances of that are slim, VERY slim.  I would just even like to see them skate in person.  Chances of that are greater so I'm holding on to that dream.   
Got to go now, see you all soon,

P.S Remember you are able to leave comments at the bottom of the page. I love to hear what you all think.