Sunday, 10 April 2011

DOI 2011 wrap up.

Hey everyone,
Sorry I been quite lately.  Been busy! So sadly DOI has finished in the UK for the year but the tour has only just started...

So here are some of my latest creations that covered the last show and the series overall.  They are of course Torvill and Dean themed.

This first one is the DOI final. Purple was a given cause of BOLERO!! They looked amazing (even though I have mixed feelings on the new version of Bolero) The main picture is from @KimberleyCasey. The orchid is relation to what Chris gave Jayne on the day their gold winning performance. 

 Next two are a collection of pictures of Jayne and Chris throughout the season. The second one is their routines. I tried to get them in order going from the top left going around to the right with Bolero in the middle.
Jayne and Chris through out the season!

Routines by @torvillanddean

Hope you like them! Tell me what you think. Remember the ground rules!

1 comment:

  1. very good, love the video even though the Bolero was different it was stil very good, so glad you lot know how to add these, LOL so we can always pop back on & watch. , very good, keep these coming xx thank you x
