Monday, 28 February 2011

Jeff Brazier

Jeff's twitter art.  

Hello everyone, 
Back at uni now so might not post that often. Here is something I finished yesterday for Jeff Brazier () which I mentioned I was doing in an earlier entry.  When it came to the celebrities for Dancing on Ice, I knew very little as I'm Australian.  I've learnt that Jeff is a writer and works for This Morning.  Writing was my starting point for this one hence why there is pens, notebook and pencil. 

The phone + DOI =  VOTES! Jeff and Isabelle are needing them to get the final and on the tour.  I loved the picture of Jeff with Jayne and Chris, not sure really what is happening but what I thought is said in that caption. 

Film strip is something I use when I have quite a number of pictures I want to use.  There is mix of performance pics, backstage and training pictures.  Jeff looks great in the picture at NTA's and there is also a picture of Jeff with DOI assistant coach Robert Burgerman (

Last picture is the dreaded ice pick,  which was an moment for Jeff and Isabelle this series, they won't forget. Twitter bird makes an appearance, he is pretty easy to spot compare the @TeamCanadaDOI background.  

Jeff loved it,  I feel so special! Thanks Jeff! By the way Isabelle, it took me roughly an hour.  I'm getting quick at them.

Tweet / Blog ya later, 

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Team Canada DOI

It might be strange me saying hello in French when I'm about to talk about Canada. But French is the second spoken language of the country.  This newest background is for ,  team twitter for the Canadian professions on Dancing on Ice.  

This year on DOI (Dancing on Ice)  there is quite a few new professionals and most are Canadian.  At first I thought fans would be uneasy about the number of new pros coming on board.  But this twitter and others has shown that the UK public has very much embraced these professionals.  

Once again  Colin makes appearance,  pictured here with his celebrity partner Laura.  Isabelle also is there with her partner Jeff.  New pros,  Sean Rice () and his wife Jodeye  () are shown in the middle with their celebrity partners Johnson Beharry VC () and Angela Rippon.  Lastly there in top right corner, is a familiar face to DOI fans.  It's Brianne Delcourt (),  a professional skater who was on the show last year and got to the final with Kieron Richardson () This year her partner is Sam Attwater ().  

I'm not trying to favour Isabelle and Jeff here,  (Isabelle, you know I love ya very much), but when I finished with adding the pictures of the couples I still felt I needed to add an other photo. When I saw this picture of Jayne and Chris with Jeff and Isabelle in my collection of pictures for DOI, I felt it was the right on for there.  Don't really know why...

Maple leaf was to embody the country of Canada. Same with the red text.  I added the profile pic from the twitter and the logo from the show. Twitter bird makes an appearance again. Maybe I think I should give him a better name? Any suggestions??

The background of ice is the hardest one I've used to work on. Pictures place on it might be lost in it.  

Adieu mes lecteurs, merci pour la lecture,

(For people who can't read French, the sign off says Farewell my readers, thanks for reading)

Bolero and I.

My closest thing to me and Bolero. 
Bolero, one of the most known skating routines in the world.  Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean's routine on Valentines Day in 1984  got the most number of 6.0's ever by a ice dancing couple and no one since has been able to achieve this again.  It was perfection.  I've added a video of it, if you haven't seen the routine.
So last year my dance class got to do a dance to the music "Foreign Land" by Eskimo Joe.  The costume for it reminded me of Bolero and there was three colours (blue, green and purple) I was very happy getting purple as it is my favourite colour.  To top everything else in the dance we do the bolero ending lying on the floor.  Which by the way is much quicker than Jayne and Chris' as I have coming from a standing position to laying on my side on the floor within about a count.  Jayne & Chris fell to the ice from a kneeled position. 

I wanted to see what my costume looked like compared to Jayne's Bolero costume so I made the picture shown above. Background of course had to be purple as it's Bolero! Purple is so connected to the routine now.  So much that fans wear purple on the 14th of Feb.  Dancing couple figure as it was my dance costume & Torvill and Dean dance on ice.  Jayne has had a few different costumes for Bolero since doing Dancing on Ice,  the picture I pick are special ones -  the original,  the 25th anniversary and Silks Bolero.  

I sent the picture to Jayne and Chris to show them when they came back to twitter in Nov 2010 (@torvillanddean)
I got a reply back from Jayne which I put below.  So my guess she liked it. 

Jayne's reply to the picture
That's my connection to Bolero,

Not the best picture of the Bolero ending...  Me backstage stage at my dance concert.   

Saturday, 26 February 2011


Hi again,
Just finished an other background,  this time for .  She asked me to make her a background after I started talking about this blog. She helped me a little with giving me ideas for names for the blog.  

She asked for a Dancing on Ice theme of course so I asked if she want any particular people for it.  Her response was Jayne, Chris and Karen. I was a little stuck where to start at first with colour scheme.  Then it came to me,  blue.  The colour of the lighting for the set of Dancing on Ice! 

White text I thought would be a nice contrast to the blue.  Black wouldn't work.  The photos in the middle are hearts because of 's love for the show, Jayne, Chris and Karen.  (Nothing about their relationships btw!)  When choosing the pictures,  I tried to stick with the blue and white theme,  so that means training pictures and backstage pics (white)  and show pics (blues) for the middle. I must say I love the picture of Jayne and Chris at the bottom of them performing the opening for Vegas week.  

The text and a few of the decorations have a girly touch because its to represent Karen and Jayne while the paint splats behind the text is to represent Chris,  his passion and creative flare.  Dancing couple in the middle I think can explain itself - dancing! :-)

The photos of Karen have the picture corners as the backstage pics. I tried to make like I was trying to capture memories.  You might find there is a little friend hiding in the top right corner.  He is a twitter bird. *Tweet* He might appear in a few of my new backgrounds I've got lined up.  

Newest creation: @luvdancingonice !

So that's how its done! 

Isabelle Gauthier and Tweam Isa Gauthier

Hi again! 
It's the weekend here so I can fit in one more entry before I get of the laptop today.  So next ones I'm going to show you is ones I made for Pro Ice skater Isabelle Gauthier (@ ) and one of her fan twitters .  

I've done a fe team twitters for different couples for the series this year of Dancing on Ice (if you don't know by now, I'm a HUGE fan of the show!!)  

When it comes to team twitters for Dancing on Ice the starting point is usually the same.  Promo shots.  
The colour of the costumes they are wearing in the shot is where I get my idea for the colour background  I'm going to use. In this case it was light blue. 

The logo and the ice diamonds as I'm calling them now was a given as it was Dancing on Ice.  The lipsticks which turns up a few times, is a reference to the promo ad for Dancing on Ice but I'll explain that later in an other post.  

When it came to doing one for Isabelle herself I based it off her team one. You'll find lots of similarities. 
Isabelle's background art.
So this is what I made for Isabelle.  After I posted the team one on her facebook page,  she loved so I made her this.  I made sure I put pictures of both her partners Jeff and Colin. Colin I've mentioned before,  he is Isabelle's professional partner.  The pair both new to the show and Canadian.  Jeff is Isabelle's celebrity partner.  You can follow him on twitter .  I'm making something for Jeff this week. So keep an eye on here and twitter for it.  I'll be able to tell then how long it actually takes me to do a background.  

Isabelle loved it: ♥ Loving it! Made by Kim. Thank you!!! x - Isabelle's caption on it. Isabelle is beautiful person and I've share quite a few tweets with her. She also great support of what I'm doing with this, so thanks Isabelle! Follow her! 

Signing off,

First of my especially made backgrounds

Background for @lovingDOI.

Hey everyone,

Here is the first one of my especially made backgrounds. This one was for .  She mentioned that she liked Dancing on Ice,  This Morning and Tigers.  

The tigers were the starting point for me.  That's how I chose the colour for the background.  Then I worked on the photos, firstly with the logo for Dancing on Ice. 

The interesting thing about this background was the photos.  As I started, I realised I could link the two shows that @lovingDOI liked, thanks to the fact that Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield hosted both shows, and that Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean had been on both shows.  

The tigers on this are so cute! Plus the butterfly was also perfect with the tiger them.  You'll notice that right near the logo that there is something that looks like diamonds, I've put that on quite a few of my backgrounds.  They are to represent ice. It was the closest thing I could find to ice.  

I'm glad that @lovingDOI likes her background.  I'm also happy with how she has been a bit of a supporter for this blog.  

Till next time,

Friday, 25 February 2011

Ground rules

I have some rules about these backgrounds I show you.  I got permission from the people I've made them to show you all.  But there is also ones that I'll show you that aren't made for anyone especially. With those can you please ask if you want to use them via commenting on that blog.

Sorry I sounded mean,  but I do put a lot of effort into these.


My name is Kim.  This blog is about all the different backgrounds I've made for people on twitter and it will give you a little insight into how I do it.  

First I must tell you how I started all this,  my sister showed me this site online ages ago which allowed you to create online scrapbooks.  ( 

 I started playing around with more last year and I made a few different pictures for a few of my online friends.  Then this year when new season of Dancing on Ice started in the United Kingdom I realised I could use these pictures for backgrounds on twitter.  

At this point, I was quite bored as I was on summer holidays from uni and needed something creative to do, so I offered to make backgrounds for people who were following me.  Got a response.  But then came my break when I made a background for one of the professional skaters Colin ( ). He loved it and others pick up on it,  including his beautiful celebrity partner Laura () But more on theirs later.  

So that's how it all started really! 

Playing around last year with Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean's (@tovillanddean) twitter pictures